Excel App
Excel application created with vanilla JavaScript. Implemented custom web framework from the scratch (with state, routing, eventing, storage, DOM manipulations). Used Tailwind CSS for styling.
Search App
An implementation of full-text search, using a Trie data structure.
Reddit Scraper
Node.js application for scraping reddit threads. Created with Puppeteer.
Photo Gallery App
Full-stack Photo Gallery application, for managing photo albums. Created with Next.js 13, MongoDB & TypeScript.
Prompts App
Prompts App helps users to discover, create and share creative AI-powered prompts. Created with Next.js 13, MongoDB & TypeScript.
Speech Synthesizer
Speech Synthesizer application made with React, TypeScript & Ant Design. Used Web Speech API and SpeechSynthesis for speech service.
Email Client
Email Client application with user authentication/registration, replying/composing emails. Created with Angular & RxJS. Used already-made Back-End.
Select Plugin
A custom, accessible select plugin built with vanilla TypeScript.
Packages Section
Packages/Plans section created with SVG, React & TypeScript.
Poker Table
Poker table application created with React, Framer-Motion & styled-components.